We’re always updating RapidWeaver, to keep things running smoothly. However, if you do find yourself running into a problem with RapidWeaver, there’s some very quick and easy ways to help diagnose what might be going on.
As RapidWeaver supports third-party addons (such as plugins, which run within RapidWeaver) it’s important to be aware that Realmac Software cannot offer technical support for third-party addons and you’ll need to contact the developer directly for help.
If RapidWeaver is crashing or not behaving itself, we recommend launching RapidWeaver without any third-party addons enabled. To do this, simply: Close RapidWeaver, then re-launch it while holding the Option key. This will disable all plugins.
If the fixes the issue when not using any RapidWeaver addons, you may want to try uninstalling individual addons one at a time to figure out which addon developer to contact.
Suppose a particular addon causes a problem either with your site or the performance of RapidWeaver. In that case, you should always contact the addon developer so that they can investigate and fix the issue.
Make sure you’re running the latest version of RapidWeaver. You can re-download RapidWeaver from the Realmac Software website at any time. You'll also want to ensure that your addons are up to date. Don't worry. It's simple. Go to the RapidWeaver menu (next to the File menu) and choose to Check for Updates. RapidWeaver > Checkfor Updates... This will check for updates to both RapidWeaver and any third-party plugins. We strongly recommend that you keep RapidWeaver and all Addons up to date. Use the latest version of macOS. Every release of macOS sees performance and stability improvements, and we recommend that you use the newest version of macOS supported by your copy of RapidWeaver. RapidWeaver also checks for updates on launch.
If you're a member of the RapidWeaver Community, you can Ask for Help. (Don't forget to search for help first to see if the question has already been answered.) If you're still having issues, you should contact support. Please include as many details as possible. Details about the plugins you're using, the project files, and screenshots always help. Suppose a particular addon causes a problem either with your site or the performance of RapidWeaver. In that case, you should always contact the developer of the addon so that they can investigate the issue.