Getting Started

Sign-up for a free Elements Cloud Account

Every Elements Cloud account comes with 1GB of free cloud storage. You can sign-up in-app.

How to Sign-Up for an Elements Cloud Account

You can sign-up (or sign-in) to your account in the Account Preferences within Elements. Simply enter your email address and click the "Send Sign-in Link" button. An account will be created for you, or you will be logged in (if you already have an account).

A link will be sent to the email address you entered, click this email link within 3 minutes to register or log in to your account.

Once logged in you can share your open project from the Cloud icon in the Elements Toolbar. You can always manage uploaded files and storage from the Account Preferecnes window.

Every Elements Cloud account comes with 1GB of free cloud storage. This is the perfect place to make backups and upload files for sharing.

Backup and Share a File

Once logged into you Account you can share your open project from the Cloud icon in the Elements Toolbar.

To generate a direct download link from an Elements App link, simply append the unique identifier from the original link to the URL.


• Elements App Link: elementsapp://downloadDocument/M1l5heNgT81r

• Direct Download Link:

Dev Diary Video for Elements Cloud

The following video will show you how to sign-up for an Elements Cloud account and upload and share documents . The videos were recorded with a development version of Elements so the feature(s) available now may differ slightly to those in the video.

Last updated

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