
The visible key in an object's properties can be set using a logical expression that evaluates to true or false. This determines whether a specific UI element is shown or hidden based on the conditions specified in the expression. Works in the same way as enabled.

  • Boolean Logic: Use logical operators (&&, ||) to combine multiple conditions.

  • Comparison Operators: Use ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= to compare values.

  • Regex Match: Use matches to perform a regex comparison.


  1. Complex Condition

    "visible": "(backgroundType == 'custom' || backgroundType == 'image') && textColor == 'white'"

    This makes the property visible only if the backgroundType is either custom' or 'image', and the textColor is 'white'.

  2. Visibility Based on Numeric Ranges

    "visible": "opacity > 20 && opacity < 30"

    Useful for showing elements that should only be visible within a specific range, e.g., showing a message if the opacity is not between 20-30.

  3. Negation to Hide Elements

    "visible": "mySwitchControl != true"

    The property is visible when mySwitchControl is false.

  4. Match a regex

    "visible": "name matches /rapid|weaver|elements/"

    The property is visible when name contains rapid or weaver or elements.

The following example code toggles the visibility of controls based on the value of the switch.

    "groups": [{
        "title": "SWITCH TEST",
        "icon": "switch.2",
        "properties": [{
            "title": "Test Switch",
            "id": "testSwitch",
            "responsive": false,
            "switch": {
                "default": false
        }, {
            "information": {},
            "title": "Let's Slide…",
            "visible": "testSwitch == true"
        }, {
            "title": "slider",
            "id": "slider",
            "visible": "testSwitch != false",
            "slider": {
                "default": 5,
                "min": 1,
                "max": 50,
                "round": true
    }, {
        "title": "MATCHES",
        "icon": "equal",
        "properties": [{
            "title": "Name",
            "id": "name",
            "responsive": false,
            "input": {}
        }, {
            "information": {},
            "title": "Name contains rapid or weaver or elements",
            "visible": "name matches /rapid|weaver|elements/"

Last updated

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