Bundle Structure

An Element is a bundled folder

Elements require a specific directory structure in order to work correctly, these are called Bundles in macOS.

Element bundles are directory hierarchies, with the top-level directory having a name that ends with a .rwdevpack extension.

The Pro version of RapidWeaver Elements is required to build and develop Elements.

Dev Pack Bundle Structure

The following outlines the folder structure supported by elements — Only bold items are required for a basic Element to function inside of RapidWeaver.

An Element pack can contain multiple Elements, each Element should be placed in the "elements" folder inside the main bundle.

  • HelloWorld.rwdevpack (bundle)

  • elements (folder)

  • info.json

    • com.realmac.elementpack.helloworld (folder)

      • hooks.js

      • icon-dark.icns

      • paletteIcon.png

      • paletteIcon-dark.png

      • properties.json

      • assets (folder)

        • page (folder)

      • templates (folder)

        • each (folder)

          • index.html

          • styles.css

        • include (folder)

          • extra.html

        • page (folder)

          • page.html

    • com.realmac.elementpack.foobar (folder)

    • shared (folder)

      • assets (folder)

      • hooks (folder)

      • templates (folder)

Here's a Finder window showing a standard Element folder structure on macOS Ventura.

And the same Element being edited in Visual Studio Code.

Dev Pack with Multiple Elements

An Element pack can have multiple addons inside of it, here's an example of that structure:

WebWorld.rwdevpack (bundle)

  • elements (folder)

    • com.realmac.elementpack.helloworld (folder)

    • com.realmac.elementpack.goodbyeworld (folder)

Last updated

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