Element Pack

An Element Pack is a bundled folder

Components and Themes require a specific directory structure in order to work correctly, these are called Bundles in macOS.

Element Packs are essentially a collection of folders and files, with the top-level directory having a name that ends with a .elementsdevpack extension. This name and structure is only used for development purposes, dev element packs should not be sold or distributed to other users.

Addons distributed via the Elements Store and encrypted and non-editable meaning your code is protected. You can learn more about distributing your addon here.

Element Dev Pack Bundle Structure

The following outlines the top level folder structure for an Element Pack. It can contain multiple addons, each component or theme should be placed in the corresponding folders inside the pack.

The following shows an Element Dev Pack containing multiple themes and components:

  • MyElementPack.elementsdevpack (bundle)

  • info.json

  • components (folder)

    • com.companyname.slideshow (folder)

    • com.companyname.navbar (folder)

  • themes (folder)

    • com.companyname.themes.architect (folder)

    • com.companyname.themes.solar (folder)

  • shared (folder)

Last updated

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