
This folder should only contain JS files! There is no restriction on naming.

There is no access to component properties or the Elements API directly within these files. However, you may create a function and pass them in as properties.


Two components within an element pack display a description of the current temperature, chosen by the user using a slider called temperature with a range of 0 to 40.

Instead of writing the same code twice in the hooks.js file of each component, define a function within a temperature.js file and place it in the shared hooks directory, then add the following code.

const getTemperatureDescription = (rw) => {
    // Get the temperature property
    const { temperature } = rw.props
    // return a description of the temperature
    if (temperature < 17) {
        return "It's cold";
    } else if (temperature < 24) {
        return "Just right";
    } else {
        return "Too hot!";

Each component can then use the above function in their respective hooks.js files.

const transformHook = (rw) => {
  // Get the temperature description, passing in rw so the function has access to the API
  const description = getTemperatureDescription(rw)

  // Set a property to the description so it can be accessed from the template
    description: description

exports.transformHook = transformHook;

Last updated

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