RapidWeaver takes care of everything for you, however, sometimes you need a little extra control or just prefer the way another tool works. We've listed out a collection of great tools and resources that work well alongside RapidWeaver.
Previewing Your Website
RapidWeaver has its own built-in Preview, as well as a Device Simulator with support for multiple devices, custom sizes and so much more. It also supports local PHP rendering. No need to spend time setting up MAMP.
Here are some alternative apps and services if you'd prefer not to use RapidWeaver's built-in tools:
BrowserStack (Web App, Subscription)
MAMP, local webserver (Mac App, Paid)
Search engine optimisation tools.
Hosting Your Website
If you need somewhere to host your website we recommend using our official partner, Chillidog Hosting. We have a full publishing guide to using Chilidog with RapidWeaver.
Online Store Integration
The following services can be used alongside RapidWeaver to build an online website with Store front.
Website Monitoring
Downtime happens, certificates expire and links break. Ensure your website is blazing fast, error free and properly indexed without the hassle of multiple tools.
Oh Dear! (Used by Realmac Software)
Newsletter Software
Looking to start a Newsletter, here's some great options…
Buttondown (Used by Realmac Software)
Open Graph
The following tools can help preview how your site will appear on search and in social media posts.
OpenGraph Checker, Preview and generate open graph meta tags.
Meta Tags Toolkit, Preview and generate open graph meta tags.
Publishing Your Website
RapidWeaver has a built-in publishing engine that supports FTP, SFTP, FTPS, and Amazon S3. RapidWeaver also keeps track of changes, so on subsequent publishes it will only upload the changed files.
There are plenty of alternative FTP clients on the Mac, here are just a few:
Transmit (Mac App, Paid)
Cyberduck (Mac App, Free/Donation)
Command One (Map App, Paid)
Forklift (Mac App, Paid)
Analytics for Your Website
Matomo (Subscription)
Plausible (Subscription)
Fathom (Subscription)
GoatCounter (Open source)
Google Analytics (Free)
User Analytics
CrazyEgg, heatmaps, surveys, A/B tests, and more.
Cookie Support
CookieYes, Generate a customizable cookie banner, record user consent.
Contact Form
Letterbird, a free contact form on the web that’s good enough.
Font Resources
System Font Stack, a great option if you want to not load a separate font.
Modern Font Stack, the fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes.
Google Fonts, making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography.
Font Style Matcher, a tool to match fallback fonts with web fonts.
SVG Graphics
SVG Repo, free svg icons
SVGOMG, SVG optimizer and minifier
SVG Backgrounds, Customize and apply backgrounds.
fffuel, SVG generator for gradients, patterns, shapes, and more.
Graphics and Animation
A collection of advanced tools to take your websites further.
Tumult Hype, Create Interactive HTML5 web content and animations.
Couverture, Easing Curve Editor with CSS export.
Learning More about Web Design
A collection of links to learn more about building websites., learn web design.
Lean Web Club, course for learning javascript.
HTML 5 Boilerplate, the web’s most popular front-end template.
Web Design Inspiration
A collection of design gallery to get inspiration for your next website project.
Advanced Resources
A collection of resources for advanced users.
Security Headers, check how your site scores on security.
Brotil Test, check if your web server is sending the Brotli compressed images.
HTTP Guide, learn more about the http protocol and headers.
Why No Padlock, a simple tool that will tell you about any insecure items on your SSL page.
Last updated
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